International Journal Publications (SCI and SCIE)
KD Park, WJ Yoon and JS Lee, Reduction of Multipath Effect in GNSS Positioning by Applying Pseudorange Acceleration as Weight, Sensors, 24(21), 2024;
Sohn DH, KD Park, JL. Davis, M Nettles and P Elosegui, Rapid ionospheric variations at high latitudes: Focusing on Greenland, Advances in Space Research, 65, pp. 1673-1684, 2020;
Ansari K, KD Park and N Kubo, Linear time-series modeling of the GNSS based TEC variations over Southwest Japan during 2011-2018 and comparison against ARMA and GIM models, Acta Astronautica, 165, pp. 248-258, 2019;
Ansari K, KD Park and SK Panda, Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis and modeling of ionospheric TEC over South Korean region, Acta Astronautica, 161, pp. 313-324, 2019;
Ansari K and KD Park, Contemporary deformation and seismicity analysis in Southwest Japan during 2010-2018 based on GNSS measurements, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, pp. 2373-2390, 2019;
Ansari K and KD Park, Multi constellation GNSS precise point positioning and prediction of propagation errors using singular spectrum analysis, Astrophysics and Space Science, 363(258), 2018;
Kim SH and KD Park, Improving DGPS accuracy by considering the correlation of pseudorange correction and satellite elevation angle, Journal of Navigation, 70(6), pp. 1267-1275, 2017;
Kim MS and KD Park, Development and positioning accuracy assessment of single-frequency precise point positioning algorithms by combining GPS code-pseudorange measurements with real-time SSR corrections, Sensors, 17(6), 2017;
Sohn DH, KD Park and HU Tae, Modeling DGNSS pseudo-range correction messages by utilizing satellite repeat time, Sensors, 17(4), 2017;
Kim DS, KD Park, JH Ha, DH Sohn and JH Won, Geodetic analysis of post-seismic crustal deformations occurring in South Korea due to the Tohoku-oki earthquake, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(7), pp. 2885-2892, 2016;
Ha JH, KD Park, JH Won and MB Heo, Investigations into co-seismic deformation and strain in South Korea following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake using GPS CORS data, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(2), pp. 634-638, 2014;
Ha JH, KD Park, KH Kim and YH Kim, Comparison of atmospheric water vapor profiles obtained by GPS, MWR, and radiosonde, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 46(3), pp. 233-241, 2010;
Park KD and JH Won, The foliage effect on the height time series from permanent GPS stations, Earth Planets Space, 62(11), pp. 849-856, 2010;
Park KD, P Elosegui, JL Davis, POJ Jarlemark, BE Corey, AE Niell, JE Normandeau, C Meertens and V Andreatta, Development of an Antenna and Multipath Calibration System for ground-based Global Positioning System sites, Radio Science, 39, September 2004;
Hamdy AM, PH Park, HC Lim and KD Park, Present-day relative displacements between the Jeju island and the Korean peninsula as seen from GPS observations, Earth, Planets and Space, 56(9), pp. 927-931, September 2004;
Park KD, RS Nerem, MS Schenewerk and JL Davis, Site-specific multipath characteristics of global IGS and CORS GPS sites, Journal of Geodesy, 77(12), pp. 799-803, June 2004;
Park KD, RS Nerem, JL Davis, MS Schenewerk, GA Milne and JX Mitrovica, Investigation of glacial isostatic adjustment in the northeast U.S. using GPS measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(11), June 2002;
International Journal Publications
Ansari K and KD Park, Geodetic Analysis inside the South Korean Peninsula and Impact of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki(TO) Earthquake, Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 96(2) pp. 631-647, 2021;
Ansari K, P Gyawali, PM Pradhan, and KD Park, Coordinate transformation parameters in Nepal by using neural network and SVD methods, Journal of Geodetic Science, 9(1), pp. 9:22-28, 2019;
Na SH, W Shen, JH Cho, KW Seo, YH Shin, KD Park, KY Youm and SM Yoo, Earth rotation deceleration/acceleration due to semidiurnal oceanic/atmospheric tides: Revisited with new calculation, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 10, pp. 37-41, 2019;
Tae HW, HI Kim and KD Park, Analysis of multi-differential GNSS positioning accuracy in various signal reception environments, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 7(1), pp. 15-24, 2018;
Yoon WJ, KD Park, HI Kim, SW Seo and JP Park, Accuracy analysis of code-based PPP-RTK positioning utilizing K-SSR correction messages outside the reference network, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 6(2), pp. 79-86, 2017;
Yoon WJ and KD Park, On the diurnal, annual, and solar cycle variations of slant total electron content in the Korean peninsula, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 5(2), pp. 87-96, 2016;
Kang MW, JH Won, MS Kim and KD Park, Accuracy evaluation of IGS-RTS corrections to stand-along positioning based on GPS code-pseudorange measurements, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 5(2), pp. 59-66, 2016;
Tae HU, HI Kim and KD Park, Development of a virtual reference station-based correction generation technique using enhanced inverse distance weighting, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 4(2), pp. 79-85, 2015;
Kim DS, KD Park and JH Won, Correction of coordinate discontinuities caused by GPS antenna replacements, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 4(3), pp. 131-140, 2015;
Kim MS, KD Park and JH Won, Development and positioning accuracy assessment of precise point positioning algorithms based on GLONASS code-pseudorange measurements, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 3(4), pp. 155-161, 2014;
Kim KT, KD Park, ES Lee and MB Heo, A study for improving the positioning accuracy of DGPS based on multi-reference stations by applying exponential modeling on pseudorange corrections, Journal of the Korean GNSS Society, 2(1), pp. 9-17, 2013;
Sohn DH, KD Park, JH Won, JH Cho and KM Roh, Comparison of the characteristics of precipitable water vapor measured by Global Positioning System and microwave radiometer, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 29(1), pp. 1-10, 2012;
Lee CM and KD Park, Generation of Klobuchar ionospheric error model coefficients using Fourier series and accuracy analysis, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 28(1), pp. 71-77, 2011;
Won JH, KD Park, DS Kim and JH Ha, Validation of the atmospheric infrared sounder water vapor retrievals using Global Positioning System: Case study in South Korea, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 28(4), pp. 291-298, 2011;
Lee CM, KD Park, JH Ha and SU Lee, Generation of Klobuchar coefficients for ionospheric error simulation, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 27(2), pp. 117-122, 2010;
Lim HC, HC Bang, KD Park and PH Park, A new method of determining initial conditions for satellite formation flying, KSAS International Journal, 4(2), pp. 1-8, November 2003;
Korean Journal Publications
Shin SY, Han JM and Park KD, Analysis of the Differences Between CLAS L6 Message from the QZSS Public Archives and CLAS Correction Messages Received by Actual GNSS Receivers, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 13(4), pp. 485-495, 2024;
Han WS and Park KD, Comparison of Galileo HAS and IGS RTS Corrections and Development of a Galileo HAS Based GNSS Positioning Algorithm, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 13(4), pp. 431-439, 2024;
Park BG and Park KD, Analysis of Double-Differenced Code-Pseudorange Noise Characteristics of GNSS Receiver Combinations using Zero-Baseline Test, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 13(3), pp. 245-256, 2024;
HAN JM, Park KD, Kim MS and Kim HI, Analysis of the Positioning Performance and Periodic Characteristics of Positioning Results of u-blox's PointPerfect Providing Domestic PPP-RTK Correction Data, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 42(2), pp. 149-157, 2024;
Sim EJ, Park KD, Park JY and Park BG, Accuracy Analysis of Predicted CODE GIM in the Korean Peninsula, Journal of Positioning Navigation, and Timing, 12(4), pp. 423-430, 2023;
Kim YG, Kim HI and Park KD, Development of a Tropospheric Delay Estimation Model Based on Observed Atmospheric Pressure and High-precision GNSS Data Processed ZWD Estimation Values, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 41(5), pp. 311-320, 2023;
Kim YG, Kim HI, Lee HC, Kim MS and Park KD, Evaluation of Single-Frequency Precise Point Positioning Performance Based on SPARTN Corrections Provided by the SAPCORDA SAPA Service, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 10(2), pp. 75-82, 2021;
Ha JH, Park KD and Kim HI, Feasibility analysis of utilizing LX-PPS GNSS CORS in precise positioning applications, Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX, 51(1), pp. 23-38, 2021;
Kim HI, Kim YG and Park KD, Performance Evaluation of the Low-cost, High-precision RTK Device RTAP2U for GPS-based Precise Localization, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 10(1), pp. 67-73, 2021;
Lee HC and Park KD, Development of Code-PPP Based on Multi-GNSS Using Compact SSR of QZSS-CLAS, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 38(6), pp. 521-531, 2020
Kim YG, Park KD, Kim MS, Yoo CS, Bae JS and Kim JO, Analysis on GPS PDOP Peaks in Signal-Blockage Simulations, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 9(2), pp. 79-88, 2020;
Lim CS, Park BW, Kim DU, Kee CD, Park KD, Seo SW, So HM and Park JP, Feasibility Study on Integration of SSR Correction into Network RTK to Provide More Robust Service, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 7(4), pp. 295-305, 2018;
Park KD, Lee HC, Kim MS, Kim YG, Seo SW and Park JP, Accuracy Comparison of GPT and SBAS Troposphere Models for GNSS Data Processing, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 7(3), pp. 183-188, 2018;
Lee JM, Park KD and Jeong WJ, Analysis of positioning accuracy for DGNSS-based land navigation using GPS/BDS navigation satellite system, Transactions of the Korean society of automotive engineers, 25(4), pp. 422-429, 2017;
Gim JS and Park KD, Comparison of positioning accuracy using the pseudorange from Android GPS raw measurements, Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology, 21(5), pp. 514-519, October 2017;
Tae HU, Park KD and Kim MS, Analysis of integrated GPS/GLONASS/BDS positioning accuracy using low cost receiver, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, 23(4), pp. 49-55, December 2015;
Sohn DH, Kim DS and Park KD, A study on GNSS data pre-processing for analyzing geodetic effects on crustal deformation due to the earthquake, Journal of the Korean Society For Geospatial Information System, 23(1), pp. 47-54, March 2015;
Kim DS, Park KD, Kim HI and Tae HU, A study on analysis of multipath signal detection using GPS signal strength information, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 39(1), pp. 7-13, February 2015;
Park KD, Kim JH, Won JH and Kim DS, Development and positioning accuracy assessment of precise point positioning algorithms based on GPS code-pseudorange measurements, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 22(1), pp. 47-54, March 2014;
Kim JY, WonJH, Park KD, Seo SW and Park HW, Analysis of the optimal degree and order of spherical harmonics for the GNSS receiver antenna’s PCV correction, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 22(3), pp. 113-119, September 2014;
Jung WS, Kim TJ and Park KD, A study on improving the accuracy of topographic control surveying, Journal of the Korean Society of Cadastre, 29(1), pp. 203-211, 2013
Sohn DH, Park KD, Jung WS and Kee CD, An analysis of GPS station positioning accuracy variations according to locations of obstacles, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 37(5), pp. 463-469, 2013;
Sohn DH, KD Park and YH Kim, Determination of precipitable water vapor from combined GPS/GLONASS measurements and its accuracy validation, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 21(4), pp. 95-100, 2013;
Park KD, DH Sohn and DS Kim, Analysis on missing GPS observables and the frequency of cycle slips due to surrounding trees at a permanent GPS site, Journal of the Korean Society of Cadastre, 43(2), pp. 173-181, 2013
Lee HS, KD Park, DS Kim and DH Lee, Analysis of integrated GPS and GLONASS double difference relative positioning accuracy in the simulation environment with lots of signal blockage, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 36(6), pp. 429-435, 2012;
Son ES, JH Won and KD Park, Assessment of positioning accuracy based on medium-and long-range GPS L1 relative positioning using regional ionospheric grid model, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 30(5), pp. 459-466, 2012
Sohn DH, KD Park, HI Kim, DS Kim and CD Kee, Comparative experiments for the improvement of NDGPS signal quality, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 36(8), pp. 625-630, 2012;
Kim HI, JH Kim, KT Kim, KD Park and DS Kim, Accuracy evaluation of DGPS service via terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 36(6), pp. 437-442, 2012;
Kim JH, KD Park and DS Kim, Fault detection performance analysis of GNSS integrity RAIM, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 20(3), pp. 49-56, 2012;
Kim DS, JH Won, ES Son and KD Park, Generation of grid maps of GPS signal delays in the troposphere and analysis of relative point positioning accuracy enhancement, Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 36(10), pp. 825-832, 2012;
Lee CM, JH Kim and KD Park, Generation of Korean ionospheric total electron content map considering differential code bias, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 29(3), pp. 293-301, 2011;
Kim HI and KD Park, A study on the PRC generation algorithms for virtual reference stations using a network of DGNSS reference stations, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 29(3), pp. 221-228, 2011
Kim DS, SH Lee, KD Park and HS Lee, An analysis of the position accuracy according to the observation session length and baseline distance in GPS relative positioning, Journal of the Korean Society of Cadastre, 41(1), pp. 163-171, 2011
Kim KT, HI Kim and KD Park, Development of removal techniques for PRC outlier & noise to improve NDGPS accuracy, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 19(2), pp. 63-73, 2011
Kim KH, KD Park, CH Lim and DH Han, Analysis of absolute sea-level changes around the Korean peninsula by correcting for glacial isostatic adjustment, Journal of Korean Earth Science Society, 32(7), pp. 719-731, December 2011;
Lee HS, KD Park and HI Kim, Accuracy analysis of GLONASS orbit determination strategies for GLONASS positioning, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 28(6), pp. 573-578, 2010
Lee CM, KD Park and SU Lee, Comparison of real-time ionospheric delay correction models for single-frequency GNSS receivers: Klobuchar model and NeQuick model, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 28(4), pp. 413-420, 2010
Won JH, ES Son and KD Park, Coordinate accuracy comparison of online GPS data processing services, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 18(4), pp. 31-39, 2010
Son ES, KD Park and KH Kim, Analysis of short-term and long-term characteristics of GPS satellite clock offsets, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 28(6), pp. 563-571, 2010
Kim DS, JH Won, HI Kim, KH Kim and KD Park, Accuracy analysis of GPS-derived precipitable water vapor according to interpolation methods of meteorological data, Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society, 18(4), pp. 33-41, 2010
Kim KH and KD Park, Principal component analysis of GPS height time series from 14 permanent GPS stations operated by National Geographic Information Institute, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 28(3), pp. 361-367, 2010
Ha JH, DS Kim, KD Park and JH Won, Observation of atmospheric water vapors using AIRS, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 26(4), pp. 459-466, 2009;
Ha JH and KD Park, Estimation of water vapor vertical profiles in the atmosphere using GPS measurements, Atmosphere, 19(3), pp. 289-296, September 2009
Lee CM, KD Park, HI Kim and JM Park, GPS satellite repeat time determination and orbit prediction based on ultra-rapid orbits, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 27(4), pp. 411-420, 2009
Won JH and KD Park, Detection of ocean tide loading constituents based on precise point positioning by GPS, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 26(4), pp. 423-432, 2009
Park JM, YJ Jung, KD Park and BG Kim, A study on interoperability of geo-sensor based outcomes: Focusing on Korean land spatialization program, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 27(5), pp. 517-528, 2009
Park JM, WI Choi, DS Kwon, YJ Jung and KD Park, Implementation of sensor observation service prototype for interoperable geo-sensor networks in Korean land spatialization program, Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society, 11(2), pp. 63-72, 2009
Park JM, YJ Jung, DY Park, KD Park and BK Kim, Research on conceptual designs and basic plans of Korea Land Spatialization Program’s proving ground, Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society, 11(1), pp. 169-176, 2009
Kim HI, KD Park and HS Lee, Development and validation of an integrated GNSS simulator using 3-D spatial information, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 27(6), pp. 659-667, 2009
Kim HI and KD Park, Orbit prediction using almanac for GLONASS satellite visibility analysis, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 27(2), pp. 119-127, 2009
Kim HI, JH Ha, KD Park, SU Lee and JH Kim, Comparison of tropospheric signal delay models for GNSS error simulation, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 26(2), pp. 211-220, 2009;
Kim HI and KD Park, Orbit prediction using broadcast ephemeris for GLONASS satellite visibility analysis, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 26(2), pp. 199-210, 2009;
Kim KH and KD Park, Precision improvement of GPS height time series by correcting for atmospheric pressure loading displacements, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 27(5), pp. 599-605, 2009
Kim KH and KD Park, Estimation of total electron in the ionosphere over the Korean peninsula using permanent GPS stations operated by Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 17(1), pp. 149-155, 2009
Ha JH and KD Park, Comparison of local mean temperature equations for GPS-based precipitable water vapor determination, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 25(4), pp. 425-434, 2008;
Kim HI, ES Son, HS Lee, HH Kim and KD Park, Accuracy analysis of kinematic SBAS surveying, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 26(5), pp. 493-504, 2008
Kim HI, GS Yu, KD Park and JH Ha, Accuracy evaluation of VRS RTK surveys inside the GPS CORS network operated by National Geographic Information Institute, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 26(2), pp. 139-147, 2008
Park KD, JH Won, HK Kim and KC Lim, Analysis of crustal deformation due to ocean tide loading, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 24(3), pp. 249-260, September 2007;
Ha J, KD Park, KH Chang and HY Yang, Precision validation of GPS precipitable water vapor via comparison with MWR measurements, Atmosphere, 17(3), pp. 291-298, September 2007
Park KD, HI Kim and JH Won, Analysis of site environment at permanent GPS stations operated by National Geographic Information Institute, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 25(4), pp. 337-345, August 2007
Kim SH and KD Park, Development of an Internet-based GPS data processing service, Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies, 10(1), pp. 84-91, March 2007
Ha J, KD Park and BH Heo, Development of a local mean temperature equation for GPS-based precipitable water vapor over the Korean peninsula, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 23(4), pp. 373-384, December 2006;
Park KD and JH Won, Comparison of calibration models for GPS antenna phase center variations, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 24(4), pp. 319-326, October 2006
Ha J, KD Park and CB Lee, Determination of clock offset using GPS carrier phase measurements, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 22(4), pp. 491-500, December 2005;
Ha J, KD Park, PH Park and JU Park, Analysis of error sources in determination of tropospheric slant wet delay using GPS, Journal of the Korean Meteorological Society, 41(3), pp. 337-346, June 2005
Lim HC, HC Bang, KD Park and WK Lee, Optimal formation trajectory-planning using parameter optimization technique, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 21(3), pp. 209-220, September 2004;
Lim HC, HC Bang, KD Park and PH Park, Tracking control design using sliding mode techniques for satellite formation flying, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 20(4), pp. 365-374, December 2003;
Park KD, JH Joh, J Ha and HC Lim, Rapid and accurate GPS data processing with ultra-rapid orbits, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 21(4), pp. 309-316, December 2003
Hwang YL, KD Park, PH Park, HC Lim and JH Joh, Ionosphere modeling and estimation using regional GPS data, Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(4), pp. 277-284, August 2003
Joh JH, BK Choi, JU Park, KD Park, HC Lim and PH Park, Development of real-time precise positioning algorithm using GPS L1 carrier phase data, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 19(4), pp. 377-384, December 2002;
Park KD, KN Kim, HC Lim and PH Park, Evaluation of data quality of permanent GPS stations in South Korea, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 19(4), pp. 367-376, December 2002;